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2017-18 Term 1 Review and Newsletter Archive

UEL Taekwondo End of Term 1 and Grading 2017

Happy New Year!

I hope that you all enjoyed your first term with UEL Taekwondo, whether you’re new to the club or have been with us a while. We’ve achieved many things since September (full impact report shown below), such as:

  • Attracting 142 of you (as of Dec. 24th, 2017) to show interest in our club

  • Welcomed in 23 new members after our trial period

  • Sent 6 members to our first competition of the year, with a 100% medal return

  • Held our first social of the year

  • Had our first grading test of the year, with a 100% pass rate

On behalf of the committee, I’d just like to say thank you to all of you that contribute to making the club great. While I love being there because I want to learn a martial art, having a supportive team to be there on the journey makes it that much more enjoyable and enriching. It’s rewarding knowing that we can all progress and improve together, so with that said let’s continue as a team into the new term!

Things to Look Forward to in Term 2:

  • Continued development in your taekwondo ability

  • Our 2nd competition of the year; the BSTF Student National Taekwondo Championships

  • Our 2nd grading test

Also all news and updates of the club will be on the Team DJB blog from now on, under the "UEL Taekwondo" category.

UEL Taekwondo Newsletters Archive 2016-17:

See you all back at our first training session on January 16th, 2018!

Jade (Club President)


Here is the FULL Impact Report for Term 1:

Search for UEL Taekwondo on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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