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Founding Member Full Speech

Founding member preparing to break 9 boards

As UEL Taekwondo celebrated its 9th Club Anniversary on Tuesday 30th January 2018. It happened to fall on one of the regular sessions, so the student committee put together decorations and food for all participating members to celebrate the occasion. As well as a board breaking tribute to the Club's 9 years, performed by founding member Stephen Zheng.

It seems this arrangement was better than organising a social off-site as it had been difficult to get everyone together. Even though everyone wasn't there, it was definitely a busy session and to come to an amazing spread at the end with some time to get to know each other and learning the history of the club bringing everyone closer, stronger and more appreciative. Like a family.

**Thank you to the committee who organised the food and some members who helped with decoration arrangements and assistance with holding the boards.**

Here is the full transcript of the Club Anniversary Speeches from UEL Taekwondo founding member, Stephen Zheng (SZ) and UEL head coach, Master Shujahat Fiaz (SF). Both are also Coaches under Team DJB Taekwondo (more about that in another blog).

SF: So firstly, I just wanted to say a HUGE thanks to Stephen...

SZ: This club didn't start off in the best sort of situations but considering where we were and where we got to now. It's frigging amazing!

Honestly, I didn't think, you know, when I started I was just like you guys, in no uniform and saw Taekwondo and thought, "Ooh~! That looks fancy, I want to go. Let's try it out. I'm Asian, I should know Kung-Fu. Fell in love with it. Got my white belt, took loads of photos then got my yellow belt. Then went onto train with Olympians and train with people all over the country. Like my Taekwondo family isn't just you guys, it's literally hundreds of people. Some from Scotland, some from Brazil, Portugal, France, whatever.

And that's why I love Taekwondo. And that's why you should love Taekwondo as well. I mean, each of you have your own needs to do this: to be fitter, to make friends, to be more sociable, whatever. Do it for the good reasons and I promise you, you're going to absolutely love it.

We'll go to Korea together! We'll train in the mountains! We'll train in the sea and kicking water together, we'll do it all together. We can only do it if we are together and I really hope you guys stay for the rest of my life forever.

Also, the worst thing is, you newbies make me feel so old.

SF: I can't claim credit for the start of the (UEL Taekwondo) club because it has always been Stephen's hands. I mean he's nurtured it like when they (my kids) were newborn babies to what it is now.

SZ: Don't get me wrong, we've had loads of help from: Master Fiaz, the external members to the seniors, even those who have come and gone.

SF: Honestly, there's too many people to thank. And the thing about this club is that every year you get the opportunity to bring your ideas forward to the club by joining the committee.

For example, Jade who started off as Treasurer then went onto be Club President and now her time is about to finish. Josie has been President, Stephen has been President and Zac has been President. They've won awards for their services and well, unfortunately not for Stephen, but you deserve a special award for being here.

Rinchen is part of the committee (as Vice President), Edna (marketing officer). Who am I missing? Darren (Treasurer)! Sorry! And Mark (served in the committee previously).

I am in a privileged position to be teaching such great bunch of people and I don't think I would teach if you weren't here. My inspiration is students. I can be in a situation to only train and I would still love it (Taekwondo) because I love training.

But I think meeting people from around the world as you guys are, has enhanced me as a person and as a teacher. Just generally as a human being.

And my kids as well, I don't bring them here because you are horrible but I bring them here to enjoy your company.

As I said, Taekwondo is about family and if you appreciate it like a family, treat each other with mutual respect and tolerance. There is no reason why our petty differences can be an obstacle. We can be ONE family without worrying about race, religion and our political views.

We are just here to enjoy what Taekwondo can give you, enhance, take into your life and give back to it. That's important: giving back. It doesn't mean money, give your time, even your presence is a way of giving back. Acknowledging other people, that's the only way to improve yourself. You give back one thing, you get more in return.

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