Taekwondo: “It’s a journey”
2020 has been quite a tough year for grassroots and community sport, especially martial art. As soon as new guidelines were updated and measures put in place to make the training environment COVID-compliant and a second lockdown later... Finally the black belt gradings, that were due in the summer, took place once lockdown was lifted. There will be a series of interviews with each of the black belt members coming up, starting with Darius.

Hiiii Darius! Thank you for taking the time to share your Taekwondo experience. 1) Firstly, how did you find out about Taekwondo? We run a private children day centre and were looking to offer martial art (as a physical activity). For some reason we decided that Taekwondo was most suitable and it was the first time I heard about it.
2) Did you have expectations? Have they been met? I hardly have any specific expectations, I just liked martial arts since I was a kid. At that time I was just hungry for training. But now I can say, it’s way beyond any expectations. 3) For those who are looking in and have yet to make a decision, can you share what you've gained through what you've experienced so far? Yes it’s pretty simple. Don’t judge and just give it a try, if you don’t like it move on. Have passion and be hungry for knowledge.

4) What was it about Taekwondo that drew you in? My great passion was the kicks and everything about the kicks including all tricks. That’s what drew me into Taekwondo. 5) What made you pursue martial arts as an adult, as many may feel they're too old to start? I believe you are never too old for martial arts. It’s more about your mental state. I have been training nearly all my life with different sports, but I stopped here with Taekwondo, it’s about following a passion so age is not a factor.
6) What were the challenges you faced and how have you overcome them? More or less everything can be a challenge: work, time, money, your lifestyle, etc My great challenge was to become me, not be anyone else and be happy with where I am. The biggest battle is inside of us.
7) Congratulations on your 1st Dan black belt! What are your future plans?? Thanks!! Obviously seek for Dan 2, but also share my knowledge with people and help my daughter to achieve her next belt! 8) Is there any advice you would like to give to students who train in Taekwondo already?
Yes, be curious, ask questions, fail and become the best version you can be with Taekwondo.
It’s a journey!
-END- Disclosure: The black belt examination was altered to comply with COVID restrictions in place and ensuring the examination standards set by Kukkiwon were met.