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Appreciate Taekwondo as a long journey

Last but not least, we have Haengeun weighing in on sharing what she's learned since her 1st Dan and what she has plans for in the future as she progresses up in the black belt ranks.

1. Congratulations on your 2nd Dan! It’s been quite some time since your 1st Dan test, does this one feel different?

Passing 1st Dan black belt grading feels like it was a lifetime ago and just yesterday all at the same time. It was back in June 2018 that I got my black belt - since then, many things have happened in my Taekwondo journey and I'm really proud of how far I've come. I have a picture of me doing a side kick wearing a red belt on the day of my 1st Dan grading and when I compare against my side kick now, there is a visible difference in the height, the angle and the posture! It's nice to see that I've made a great progress over the years.

Ultimately, 2nd Dan is just a title and I don't feel any different to when I was 1st Dan. But passing my 2nd Dan grading is a valuable milestone and it's given me a chance to pause and take stock of my Taekwondo journey. I feel proud of the progress I've made, disappointed at the progress I didn't make and charged up to continue my journey and get to the next milestone, 3rd Dan Black belt!

2. Last time after your 1st Dan, one of your goals was to achieve full splits, how’s that going?

It's still a work in progress - I was a bit too optimistic in thinking that I could achieve full splits in a year, but having set ambitious goal meant that I had a reason to push myself further at every opportunity. I am very close to achieving full splits, but I've come to appreciate that flexibility without strength is useless (if not harmful!). I want my kick at its best, so I need to ensure that my training complements both my strength and flexibility. It's probably going to mean I take longer to achieve full splits, but I'm in no rush - let's see how far I get before I achieve my 3rd Dan!

3. How have you prepared for your 2nd Dan, also comparing to the process when you were working towards your 1st Dan, was there a difference (physical, mental)?

Due to Covid-19 and multiple lockdowns, preparation for my 2nd Dan grading was hugely disrupted. We had to make a number of adjustments, such as no physical contact, no close contact hand techniques in one step sparring, limited use of pad drills, etc. But compared to other Taekwondo clubs, I think I was lucky to be part of Taekwondo DJB that managed to remain open for training whenever possible, with access to fantastic facilities and amazing people to train with.

But I must admit, I didn't place much importance in preparing for 2nd Dan. I was just enjoying being able to train and improve my Taekwondo skills. When I was a red belt, I desperately wanted to get a black belt and I was so eager to progress quickly. But now that I'm a black belt, I'm enjoying growing at my own pace and appreciate Taekwondo as a long journey - after all, I'm in it for the long haul!

4. Do you have any personal goals (short and long term) in Taekwondo that you would like to achieve?

I recently became a co-instructor for a female-only Taekwondo class for young people. My personal goal is to make the project a success by growing the class size, help young people enjoy Taekwondo and spread the love for Taekwondo. I want to become a great Taekwondo instructor and inspire others. I'm sure there'll be lots of challenges and stumbling blocks along the way, but I'm really excited for a great adventure that lies ahead!

5. How has the COVID situation changed your approach to your personal training?

During Covid lockdown, I've come up with a few creative ways to keep myself entertained - I started learning how to do a handstand, took on a push-up challenge, a daily skipping and took part in a virtual workout with friends. I've been doing more training on my own more than ever before! Personal training is not as fun as going to dojang and training together with friends, but when done right, there are many benefits such as being able to tailor your training and discovering what works and what doesn't for you.

6. What aspect of Taekwondo are you looking forward to training in again, once it’s safe to?

Sparring - I really miss putting on the sparring gears, kick until I'm out of breath and full of sweat, and laugh with Taekwondo friends. I also miss doing pad drills, especially the satisfaction of hearing that perfect kicking sound against the pad; a music to my ears! If you know, you know :)


Disclosure: The black belt examination was altered to comply with COVID restrictions in place and ensuring the examination standards set by Kukkiwon were met.

Author's note: I want to thank everyone who have shared their Taekwondo experience so far. Although it has been quite different, as health and safety are important at this time, it's definitely one to remember. Perhaps when it's safe to go back to the usual examination process, there might be a chance to participate again. Also, Thank you to the wonderful readers for following our black belt blog series, we hope you have gained something from reading!


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