DJB x UEL celebrates #VolunteersWeek

"Volunteering is fundamental to sport at all levels - without volunteers there would simply be no sport. That's why investing in volunteers and their experience is so vital" -Emma Boggis, CEO, Sport and Recreation Alliance
Between October 2017 to April 2018, our volunteers at UEL Taekwondo have put in at least 268 hours, that's 34 working days. The work varies and includes: committee roles, assistant coaching, administration, support staff for competitions to name a few.
In a survey for Term 2 review conducted in April 2018, out of the responses:
91% felt supported by the committee
95% felt supported by the senior club members- many who are UEL Alumni volunteering at the Club
100% agreed or strongly agreed that the Club and its committee were professional.
This led to:
83% agreed or strongly agreed that their confidence has increased since joining the Club
87% agreed or strongly agreed that their student experience was enhanced
95% agreed or strongly agreed that the Club exceeded their expectations.
Volunteers provide the core support to the Club and its membership, increasing the professionalism and improving student engagement.
So in recognition and appreciation of those who volunteered their time to support the Club and its membership, as well as those who represented UEL in competitions and Challenge Cup. The key club members were sent to a complementary meal by Bella Italia.
A MASSIVE THANK YOU, without you we wouldn't be able to achieve what we have achieved.
Also thank you to Bella Italia Beckton for offering the complementary meal to our volunteers for Volunteers Week.
UEL Taekwondo Club Alumni and coach set up Team DJB Taekwondo as to our cause page and start generating donations with your online shopping!
To set up your own cause page via our referral link.