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Happy 2019!

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UEL Taekwondo Club December 2018 Post-Grading

Welcome to the New Year everyone!

Just thought I would give this message as we head into the new year. I’m proud of how the first term has gone this year, both returning members who have been taking good care of the newbies and of the new members who have come to Taekwondo and have shown passion and commitment for the club. I was proud of everyone who attempted grading passing, well done! Also, this year we have two social secretaries who have put on some social events for our club members to get together.

In a recent survey for Term 1 review taken in December 2018, out of 20 responses, 95% strongly agreed or agreed that they are happy with the socials so far, compared to 45% back in 2017/2018.

We have a jam packed start to the new term starting with Refreshers Week- if you are thinking of taking up something new or revisiting Taekwondo, come and meet our club members at the Refresher's, taking place at the Stratford campus on the 15th and 16th January 2018 between 10am-3pm.

Speaking of Stratford campus, we will be piloting 2 taster sessions at the Grand Hall on Thursdays 24th and 31st January 2018. Hopefully if these sessions go well, it could potentially become regular for 2019-2020 academic year. Save. The. Date.

For those who want to continue with us into the new year, now that you've experienced training why not try your hand at volunteering? Refresher's is a great opportunity to represent the club, meet new people, raise awareness of Taekwondo and share your experience with prospective members. This is highly recommended for those who are interested in taking up club committee roles so that you have an idea of how the club operates and hopefully inspire some ideas for the next academic year.

January also marks the Club anniversary, we will put up some social/ celebration options for our members to vote.

The Club also received positive feedback on having a second instructor in the form of UEL Taekwondo Founding member, Stephen Zheng. His position is currently funded by Sport England through the DJBxUEL Enrichment Project (in partnership of Team DJB Taekwondo, a community sport group set up by the UEL Taekwondo Head instructor and alumni members) and to support the club with its increase in participation and increased membership.

In a recent survey for Term 1 review in December 2018, 100% strongly agreed or agreed that having a second instructor was helpful.

In conclusion, I look forward to seeing the new members that join up with refreshers fair and I hope that those of you who recently graded can get a taste for helping out and easing in the new members into our martial arts family.

Remember, what you get out of it is equal to what you put in!

Here’s to a great new year and see you soon.


Club President.


What's happening in Term 2:

  • Refreshers event- 15th & 16th January

  • Term 2 start from 15th January

  • Pilot Taekwondo on Stratford Campus- Thursdays 24th & 31st January

  • Club anniversary- 30th January

  • Club anniversary celebration- TBC

  • BSTF Nationals Spring Championship- 16th & 17th March

  • Club Committee Election- TBC

  • Challenge Cup- 3rd April


Term 1 Report (please do not repost or copy without permission)

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